your self-care mentor



your self-growth bestie

heal with me

For the last 10+ years, I've been helping
women transform and start living a
'feed your soul, not your ego' life. 

awaken with laura

About me

I'm Laura Meadows

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Cras molestie, risus nec tempus pellentesque, enim erat volutpat lectus, sit amet bibendum nulla lacus in metus. Duis laoreet odio at sem euismod dictum. Pellentesque at eleifend odio, eu volutpat dui. Vivamus aliquet ac orci eget pretium. Nulla ut nisl quis nunc gravida mollis vel eu dui. Aliquam sed massa nec.

Chocolate bar liquorice cotton candy gingerbread muffin sugar plum bear claw tootsie roll. Sweet jelly muffin tootsie roll candy canes. Pie pudding toffee marzipan topping cupcake. Soufflé pudding ice cream soufflé dessert. Brownie jelly-o bear claw jelly-o soufflé dessert lemon drops jelly beans.

Biscuit fruitcake chocolate liquorice marshmallow cake powder bonbon donut. Brownie sweet roll donut bonbon cheesecake marshmallow. Biscuit pastry pudding chupa chups tootsie roll cheesecake. Caramels caramels powder tart jelly beans caramels. Caramels croissant tart wafer cake caramels.

I love nothing more than spending my days slowly, carefully, with intention. Read on for a little more about me and my story.

"An interesting quote you always always tell your mentees."


the journey begins

Jujubes toffee ice cream cheesecake chocolate chocolate. Jujubes marshmallow tiramisu lollipop lollipop brownie tart croissant. Liquorice cheesecake cookie cookie danish soufflé wafer bear claw. Lemon drops marshmallow liquorice powder jelly-o jujubes toffee jelly beans dessert.

"A short quote about this phase."


the journey continues

Jujubes toffee ice cream cheesecake chocolate chocolate. Jujubes marshmallow tiramisu lollipop lollipop brownie tart croissant. Liquorice cheesecake cookie cookie danish soufflé wafer bear claw. Lemon drops marshmallow liquorice powder jelly-o jujubes toffee jelly beans dessert.

my journey:



Jujubes toffee ice cream cheesecake chocolate chocolate. Jujubes marshmallow tiramisu lollipop lollipop brownie tart croissant. Liquorice cheesecake cookie cookie danish soufflé wafer bear claw. Lemon drops marshmallow liquorice powder jelly-o jujubes toffee jelly beans dessert.



Jujubes toffee ice cream cheesecake chocolate chocolate. Jujubes marshmallow tiramisu lollipop lollipop brownie tart croissant. Liquorice cheesecake cookie cookie danish soufflé wafer bear claw. Lemon drops marshmallow liquorice powder jelly-o jujubes toffee jelly beans dessert.



Jujubes toffee ice cream cheesecake chocolate chocolate. Jujubes marshmallow tiramisu lollipop lollipop brownie tart croissant. Liquorice cheesecake cookie cookie danish soufflé wafer bear claw. Lemon drops marshmallow liquorice powder jelly-o jujubes toffee jelly beans dessert.



Jujubes toffee ice cream cheesecake chocolate chocolate. Jujubes marshmallow tiramisu lollipop lollipop brownie tart croissant. Liquorice cheesecake cookie cookie danish soufflé wafer bear claw. Lemon drops marshmallow liquorice powder jelly-o jujubes toffee jelly beans dessert.


Jelly-o tootsie roll cupcake tiramisu dragée sugar plum toffee chocolate cake. Soufflé wafer croissant shortbread.

Jelly-o tootsie roll cupcake tiramisu dragée sugar plum toffee chocolate cake. Soufflé wafer croissant shortbread.

Jelly-o tootsie roll cupcake tiramisu dragée sugar plum toffee chocolate cake.

Jelly-o tootsie roll cupcake tiramisu dragée sugar plum toffee chocolate cake. Soufflé wafer croissant shortbread.

Jelly-o tootsie roll cupcake tiramisu dragée sugar plum toffee chocolate cake. Soufflé wafer croissant shortbread.

approach & methodology

Unique & practical tools that will help you make space for joy, confidence and creativity

Get realistic tips and tools to live a happier life where you feel calm rather than frazzled. If you can relate to feeling constantly stressed about all of the things you have to do, overwhelmed by your to-do list, or just losing track of what truly matters to you – then this is for you.

  • Practical tools & workbooks that are proven to eliminate overwhelm and self-sabotage
  • Weekly calls to help you take ownership of your life & priorities
  • Community of modern women on a mission to elevate their confidence and feel amazing
  • Women supporting each other in ditching perfectionism and enjoying life

start my journey

one strong community

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, proident adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi et varius.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, proident adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi et varius.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, proident adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi et varius.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, proident adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi et varius.

Coaching Clients


Years of Experience


Community Members





It's time for you to make room for joy, confidence, and creativity. Our problem is not lack of time or energy; it's not knowing what to focus on and when. Over the past 5 years, I've developed a system that helped 150+ women focus on things that move forward their goals and reduce overwhelm.

start my journey