Let's make room for joy, confidence, and creativity in your life

You deserve to live your life with joy and assurance, but sometimes you need an outside perspective to help you see what's going on. You need a mentor.

coaching services


Let's make room for joy, confidence, and creativity in your life

You deserve to live your life with joy and assurance, but sometimes you need an outside perspective to help you see what's going on. You need a mentor.

coaching services


Let's make room for joy, confidence, and creativity in your life

You deserve to live your life with joy and assurance, but sometimes you need an outside perspective to help you see what's going on. You need a mentor.

coaching services


as seen in

as seen in

Awaken with Laura: Bespoke Life Makeover Journey

Are you yearning for a profound transformation that not only changes the way you see yourself but also how you experience life? The "Awaken with Laura: Bespoke 3-Month Life Makeover Journey" is designed to guide you through a deeply personal transformation over three months, helping you to break free from the chains of your past and step into a future filled with authenticity and joy.

What's included?

  • 12 Weeks of Personalized Guidance
  • Weekly One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Customized Exercises and Tools
  • Bi-Weekly Group Mastermind Sessions
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • Personalized Action Plans
  • Exclusive Access to Resources
  • Celebration Session

Investment: $2590

Let's do this

Mindset & Strategy Private Sessions

Do you want to achieve unstoppable confidence? Let's work together on un-sabotaging your true, magical self. Discover your purpose and meaning...and become unstoppable in every area of your life.

What's included?

  • One-on-one session with a highly-trained life coach
  • Exercises for recognizing your limiting beliefs
  • The session is designed to help you get clarity on your vision and goals, and understand exactly what steps you need to take.
  • Work on career goals, personal growth, balancing work & family
  • Discover what it takes to start achieving amazing results
  • Mentorship & connection that lasts

Investment: $890

Option 1 - left aligned

Let's do this

Mindset & Strategy Private Sessions

Do you want to achieve unstoppable confidence? Let's work together on un-sabotaging your true, magical self. Discover your purpose and meaning...and become unstoppable in every area of your life.

What's included?

  • One-on-one session with a highly-trained life coach
  • Exercises for recognizing your limiting beliefs
  • The session is designed to help you get clarity on your vision and goals, and understand exactly what steps you need to take.
  • Work on career goals, personal growth, balancing work & family
  • Discover what it takes to start achieving amazing results
  • Mentorship & connection that lasts

Investment: $890

Option 2 - center

Let's do this

Mindset & Strategy Private Sessions

Do you want to achieve unstoppable confidence? Let's work together on un-sabotaging your true, magical self. Discover your purpose and meaning...and become unstoppable in every area of your life.

What's included?

  • One-on-one session with a highly-trained life coach
  • Exercises for recognizing your limiting beliefs
  • The session is designed to help you get clarity on your vision and goals, and understand exactly what steps you need to take.
  • Work on career goals, personal growth, balancing work & family
  • Discover what it takes to start achieving amazing results
  • Mentorship & connection that lasts

Investment: $890

Option 3 - justified

Let's do this

Mindset & Strategy Private Sessions

Do you want to achieve unstoppable confidence? Let's work together on un-sabotaging your true, magical self. Discover your purpose and meaning...and become unstoppable in every area of your life.

What's included?

  • One-on-one session with a highly-trained life coach
  • Exercises for recognizing your limiting beliefs
  • The session is designed to help you get clarity on your vision and goals, and understand exactly what steps you need to take.
  • Work on career goals, personal growth, balancing work & family
  • Discover what it takes to start achieving amazing results
  • Mentorship & connection that lasts

Investment: $890

Option 4 - right aligned

Let's do this

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Group Program

Do you feel there's always something stopping you from being your most authentic selft and living life full of excitement? This 8-week group program is packed with practical tools that will help you eliminate limiting beliefs, overwhelm and self-sabotage. The result: you will have clarity, joy and a healthy confidence flow!

What's included?

  • 4 weeks guidance to make a mindset shift & build confidence
  • Exercises for recognizing your limiting beliefs 
  • 8 group sessions on learning how to remove limiting beliefs
  • One private session for deep work on your mindset
  • Support of a small community of women sharing stories & tips

Investment: $990

Let's do this

8-Week Soul Searching Journey

The Soul Searching Journey is a digital mastermind program that helps women identify their priorities and focus on what really matters. It is a process of self-discovery, self-awareness and self-empowerment that will help you find clarity, joy and confidence in your life.

What's included?

  • 8 weeks guidance to make a mindset shift & find clarity
  • Developing a system that helps you focus on what matter most
  • Using practical tools to eliminate overwhelm and self-sabotage
  • One private session for understanding your mindset
  • Support of a small community of women sharing stories & tips
  • Sharing your vision with 750+ modern women along the way

Investment: $1200

Let's do this

kind words

kind words



"Laura changed my life. For years I've been living on autopilot, experiencing anxiety daily. After 8 weeks of coaching I've finally found joy, peace and purpose."

- andrea andress

"The soul deep-dive really helped me to see the greater picture in my life and feel empowered. "

- samantha simons

"Varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor. Est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque."

- jennifer banks

The distance between the life you have and the life you want is just a call away.

find your peace, Claim your life

Understanding my own path has kept me going when I was tired and confused, and having friends has really helped me live more authentically.

I've made it my mission to be that friend.

So talk to me, and together, we can find healing, courage, and peace through the tough times. Because when you discover that mix of connection, kindness, and being true to yourself - everything in your life begins to shift for the better.

make clarity your starting point